Category: Municipal Services By Javier Guardo May 19
A few months ago, Montclair residents voted on PLANETCIVIC to improve lighting and visibility in town. This proposal received more than 100 votes in favor and only a few votes against, making it the second most voted on initiative in PLANETCIVIC. From the voting data, PLANETCIVIC knew there was a problem with street lighting in Montclair, that the darkness made many people felt unsafe, but we struggled with the question of how to provide actionable information to the town. So PLANETCIVIC called on Montclair residents to help crowdsource those places and intersections in town that are perceived to be dangerously dark. As a result of this initiative, a number of intersections and crossings were identified. In addition, while verifying these locations, PLANETCIVIC realized that there was a shocking number of broken streetlights in town. Based on our conversations with town officials, we soon realized that installing new streetlights and upgrading the street lighting infrastructure in town... View more